Wednesday, March 18, 2020

animal cruelty Essays

animal cruelty Essays animal cruelty Essay animal cruelty Essay animal cruelty BY bibi345 Every year 1 billion animals are slaughtered by the leather industry, 100 million animals die in experiments and 4 million cats and dogs are euthanized. Hello everyone and Mr. Dion, today Im going to talk to you about Animal cruelty. When we hear the words Animal Cruelty, we immediately think of serious and physical harm that someone is doing to an animal right? But really, animal cruelty isnt Just physical harm. It generally falls into one of three categories: neglect, intentional or sexual abuse. Neglect is the failure to provide water, food, shelter and/or necessary care. Example: starvation; dehydration Intentional cruelty is involving physical harm to an animal or taking some form of action and sexual abuse is when the animal is being sexually molested by a human being. Okay, now that we saw the three types of animal cruelty, who here knows a bit about experimental animals? Experimental animal is when an animal is being tested for a variety of products, drugs or vaccines. In certain countries, the law specifies that a new drug has to be essentially tested on t least two different species of live mammal. Almost every medication in the market has been tested on animals. Animals have been used in the development of anesthetics to prevent human suffering during surgery! Mice and rats are forced to inhale toxic fumes, dogs are force-fed pesticides, and rabbits have corrosive chemicals rubbed onto their skin and eyes. Many of these tests are not even required by law. Over 100 million of them die in experiments and tests every year. Scientists estimate that 100 species go extinct every day! Thats about one species every 15 minutes. Now more and more people check their products before buying them to make sure they werent tested on animals first. I really love elephants. I think theyre so adorable and when I was doing my research, I found out that elephants who perform in circuses are often kept in chains for as long as 23 hours a day from the time they are babies. I personally think thats Just wrong. Former circus employees have reported seeing them beaten, whipped, poked with sharp objects and even burned to force them to learn their routines! Now all they can do is sit and wait in fear of the next terrifying and painful thing that will be performed on them. Now lets talk about fur coats. A fur coat is pretty cool and trendy hen? Its coming back to style and it looks really sophisticated. Well, to make one fox-fur coat it takes about eighteen red foxes. So next time you are buying one, make sure it isnt real fur. I couldnt believe it when I read that tens of thousands of wild and domesticated horses from the United States are cruelly slaughtered every year to be used for horse eat in Europe and Asia. Since the last horse slaughter plants in the U. S. were closed in 2007, thousands of horses have been shipped to Canada and Mexico for slaughter. If you ever think someone is hurting an animal please call the Ontario SPCA investigators at 1-888-0nt-SPCA. Here is how to recognize animal cruelty. Look for these common signs Wounds on the body. Extremely thin. Limping. Animals left in a car on a hot or cold day for long hours. Abandonment Swellings Thank you for listening !

Monday, March 2, 2020

How to Manage Invasive Insects in Firewood

How to Manage Invasive Insects in Firewood Nothings nicer on a cold winter day than sitting in front of a roaring wood fire in the fireplace. When you bring that firewood indoors, you might be bringing bugs indoors, too. Heres what you need to know about insects in firewood and how to keep them from coming inside. What Kinds of Insects Live in Firewood? Firewood often houses beetles, both under the bark and inside the wood. When firewood contains beetle larvae, adults may emerge as long as two years after the wood was cut. Longhorned beetle larvae usually live under the bark, in irregular tunnels. Boring beetle larvae make winding tunnels loaded with sawdust-like frass. Bark and ambrosia beetles typically infest freshly cut wood. Dry firewood may attract carpenter bees, which nest in the wood. Horntail wasps lay their eggs in wood, where the larvae develop. Sometimes adult horntail wasps emerge from firewood when its brought indoors. You dont need to worry about them stinging or damaging your home, should one surprise you. If firewood is still damp or stored in contact with the ground, it may attract a number of other insects. Carpenter ants and termites, both social insects, may make their homes in a pile of firewood. Critters that migrate into the wood from the ground include sowbugs, millipedes, centipedes, pillbugs, springtails, and bark lice. Can These Insects Damage My Home? Few insects that live in firewood will cause damage to your home. The structural lumber in your homes walls is much too dry to sustain them. As long as you dont store firewood inside your home, you shouldnt worry about insects from firewood infesting your house. Avoid keeping firewood in a damp garage or basement, where structural wood might have enough moisture to attract some insects. If insects do come indoors with the wood, just use a vacuum to remove them. Do be careful about where you store your wood outdoors. If you place stacks of firewood right up against your house, you are asking for termite trouble. Also, be aware that if the firewood contains beetle larvae or adults, the beetles may emerge and head for the nearest trees- the ones in your yard. How to Keep (Most) Bugs out of Your Firewood The best thing you can do to avoid insect infestations in your firewood is to dry it quickly. The drier the wood, the less hospitable it is to most insects. Proper storage of firewood is key. Try to avoid harvesting wood when insects are most active, from April to October. By cutting down trees in winter months, you will lessen the risk of bringing home infested logs. Fresh cut logs invite insects to move in, so remove the wood from the forest as soon as possible. Cut wood into smaller logs before storing it. The more surfaces exposed to the air, the quicker the wood will cure. Firewood should be covered to keep out moisture. Ideally, wood should be raised off the ground, too. Keep some air space under the cover and under the pile to allow airflow and quicker drying. Never treat firewood with pesticides. The more common firewood insects, beetles, typically bore into the wood and wont be affected by surface treatments anyway. Burning logs that have been sprayed with chemicals is a health hazard and could expose you to toxic fumes. Stop the Spread of Invasive Insects Invasive insects, such as the Asian longhorned beetle and the emerald ash borer, can be transported to new areas in firewood. These pests threaten our native trees, and every precaution should be taken to contain them.   Always obtain your firewood locally. Firewood from other areas could harbor these invasive pests ​and has the potential to create a new infestation where you live or camp. Most experts recommend that no firewood be moved more than 50 miles from its origin. If you are planning a camping trip away from home, dont bring your own firewood with you. Purchase wood from a local source near the camping area.